Baby Wearing

Baby wearing is a common practice in many cultures for a variety of reasons. Not only does it make life easier by allowing mom or other caregivers to have their hands free, it also has many other benefits for both the baby wearer and the baby!

I first learned about baby wearing as a way to help correct my sons head shape after he developed a flat spot….(Yes, it took me awhile to recover from the mom guilt I had following this realization…but let’s face it, there is a lot to know as a new mom and even if someone did tell me prior I am sure I was too overwhelmed to process the information. So, gentle reminder to all you amazing mommas, don’t expect to know everything right away. You might learn a thing or two on the job). With baby wearing I was able to correct my sons head shape and enjoy our time spent closely together. Here are my top 10 reasons why I think wearing your baby is so much more then just a cute fashion statement!

1) As noted above, baby wearing can help keep baby from laying continuously in one position and developing flat head syndrome.

2) Research has shown that wearing your baby can lead to your baby crying less! This allows your baby to focus his energy on feeding efficiently, interacting with caregivers, and taking in the world around him.

3) Baby wearing can help you manage colic by reducing babies crying as well as giving you the chance to go for a walk and get some fresh air and sunshine (two necessities in those early days). Taking care of yourself and finding ways to stay calm can help you comfort your little one in those very distressing hours.

4) Your baby can breastfeed while in the carrier. This of course may take some practice, but as we know moms are multitasking warriors and some moms have mastered this skill and love it.

5) Baby wearing increases the time mom and baby spend having skin-to-skin contact. Research has shown that increased mother and baby skin-to-skin contact time is connected to decreased rates of postpartum depression.

6) Wearing your baby can facilitate bonding. Having your baby held close allows you the opportunity to see your baby’s face and pick up on your baby’s verbal and non-verbal cues easier. This closeness also does the same for your baby by allowing them to see you face and the opportunity to pick up on your verbal and non-verbal cues.

7) Your partner or other caregivers can also hold your baby in this soothing and comfortable way! This may be my favorite benefit as knowing babe can be calmed by another loved one can be very reassuring for a new mom.

8) Baby wearing can help with your baby’s digestion by keeping them upright and decreasing the symptoms of reflux.

9) Having your baby snuggled in a wrap or carrier may help you to protect your baby from unwanted touching from others. It can be difficult to navigate this new world of everyone wanting to see a newborn baby and as a mom having this as an option can be comforting and give you a sense of control.

10) If this isn’t your first baby, baby wearing can help you be more available to your other child by allowing you to be hands free and available to their needs. Momma is usually a hot commodity in the world of young kids and having something that makes this role a little easier is much needed!


Pediatrics.1986 May;77(5):641-8.

Increased carrying reduces infant crying: a randomized controlled trial

U A HunzikerR G Barr

J Obstet Gynecol Neonatal Nurse. May-Jun 2012;41(3):369-82.

Effect of mother/infant skin-to-skin contact on postpartum depressive symptoms and maternal physiological stress

Ann Bigelow 1Michelle PowerJanis MacLellan-PetersMarion AlexClaudette McDonald


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