Double Trouble

Managing with a Toddler and a Newborn

Here are a few quick tips to help you mange the transition from one to two. We have included some tips especially for Mamma’s who have experienced a caesarean birth.

1.      Have things on hand that keep your toddler occupied during breastfeeding. Sticker books, puzzles, Lego (if age appropriate).

2.      Include your toddler in helping you care for the baby. Have them grab diapers and wipes to assist with diaper changes. Let them sing songs and read books to the baby. Some toddlers enjoy showing the baby their favorite toys.

3.      It’s important to rest as much as you can. If your toddler still naps, try and rest when he is napping. It’s hard to not get tasks done during that time but your body will heal faster and you will feel better if you rest. Even just laying down for an hour gives the body a much-needed break.

4.      Have your toddler come up on the couch with you for snuggles and hugs since you cannot pick them up initially (cesarean birth).

5.      Once your incision is more healed, use a baby wrap, carrier, or sling to allow you to attend to both toddler and baby.

6.      Lower your expectations of yourself, and then lower them some more.  The newborn phase will end and you will be healed and rested and able to do the things you want to. Now is the time to focus on taking care of yourself and your baby.

7.      In ordinary times, you could access childcare or family to help with your toddler. Right now, supports are limited. If you need to put on a TV show for your toddler so that you can make a meal, attend to baby, or just rest; do what you need to do.

8.      Get outside whenever you can. Fresh air does wonders for both your and your toddler’s mental state.

9.      Remind your toddler that they were a baby once too and tell them stories/show them pictures of themselves from that time.

10.  Remember that you will make it through this phase. One day, things will feel easier and you will find the rhythm of your new family dynamic.

 You are not alone! Wishing you all the best as you make this transition.



Baby Wearing