Welcome To Siblinghood

Hello firstborn 👋, welcome to siblinghood.

Every new big bro/sis grows into the role a little differently...some with grace, some with a whole lot of no thanks! Here are some tips for helping your little one(s) adapt to their new future bestfriend (we like to be optimistic around here)! ✨

1) Before the birth of your new baby, have your partner provide more of your child's daily care, to help establish a routine that won't be disrupted by the baby's arrival.

2) Give your child a doll so he/she has a "baby" to care for, too.

3) Have a party to celebrate both the birth of the baby and the "birth" of a big sister or brother.

4) Schedule time to be alone with your child and let him/her decide what to do.

5) Use the time when you are feeding the baby to read, talk or share a snack with your child. Consider providing special toys, books, or snacks that are just for feeding times.

These are just a few of the many great ideas out there to help your child with the big adjustment. Remember every child is different so feel free to get creative and use strategies that cater to your child's unique personality & temperament.

(Ideas resourced from one of our favorite books "Pregnancy Childbirth and the Newborn the complete guide" by P. Simkin, J. Whalley and A. Keppler)


Baby Wearing

