After The Climb

During pregnancy, the upcoming labour and delivery can feel like a mountain that you are on the path to summit. It is all you see on the horizon and it obscures your vision of what comes after that mountain… Postpartum

There is so much change and growth during pregnancy

You are learning so much and have so many questions.

When will baby arrive? Will I go into labour naturally or be induced? How will I cope with the pain of labour? What will birth even be like? Will I have an OB/GYN, midwife or family doctor? A home birth, hospital birth, or birth centre?

Then there are the books to read about pregnancy and all the baby things to buy… car seat, crib, bassinet, clothes, carriers, strollers… the list goes one

There is also a surrealness to pregnancy. It’s hard to imagine that this little babe who has been growing for months inside of you will soon be in your arms.

Maybe you can’t allow yourself to even imagine babe actually arriving due to previous loss or pregnancy complications.

But one day, you will summit that mountain and hold your baby in your arms.  All of the sudden the view changes, you have a whole new perspective. Now you must navigate this new path, the path of motherhood.  It won’t be easy; there will be switchbacks and dead ends. Paths you thought you would take suddenly aren’t the right way. However, eventually you find the way that works for you and your family.

This is postpartum

A postpartum doula can help you navigate this time. Historically, families supported on another with the arrival of a newborn but times have changed. Often families live far apart or have other demands on their time that don’t allow for them to be as involved as the new parents need. “Present health care practices and a lack of cultural rituals leave families virtually unsupported at this important time in their lives. There is a great deal of evidence suggesting that quality support can ease the transition that comes with the addition of a baby to the family. By educating; attending to the needs of the parents, infant and children; and by offering quality referral information, the postpartum doula can ease and enhance the postpartum experience. Every family can benefit from the support and encouragement offered by a doula during the fourth trimester.” (DONA International, 2016).

Check out this position paper by DONA for more information on Postpartum Doulas


What is the Role of a Postpartum Doula?